Is Square Enix bailing out the western market?

Fans are worried after their massive selling spree.

Is Square Enix bailing out the western market?

Fans are worried after their massive selling spree.

A few weeks ago, Yosuke Matsuda, president of Square Enix, stated that the company's Japanese studios should not try mimicking games specifically aimed at western players, which left an uneasy feeling within the community. These statements made clear that something was not right in the company regarding its portfolio of studios and projects, at least in the western division.

Surprisingly, most of our suspicions ended up being true after the announcement of the sale of Crystal Dynamics, Eidos, and Square Enix Montreal to Embracer Group, creating even more doubts about the Japanese company's plans for the west.

Square Enix will keep making west aimed games, but, for how long?

The community and media are wondering and getting increasingly worried about Square Enix's intentions outside of Japan. However, the company insists that there is nothing to worry about.

According to the japanese company's response to VGC, they will continue to focus on the western market: "In the future, the company's development function will comprise its studios in Japan, Square Enix External Studios and Square Enix Collective. The company's overseas studios will continue to publish franchises such as Just Cause, Outriders and Life is Strange”.

Did Square Enix had a good reason?

But after selling Crystal Dynamics, Eidos, and Square Enix Montreal to Embracer Group for $300 MDD we can’t blame the community for suspecting the worse.

If we go back to Matsuda statements, we can somewhat understand this abrupt movement, as he pointed out "International markets are important, but not important enough to develop just for them.” Clearly trying to put the japanese market as their main priority.

We can just speculate, however the company already announced that with the earnings they plan to invest in blockchain following its plans to bring content to non-traditional digital environments.

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