Watch The Rock turn into a superhero in Black Adam’s official trailer

The first trailer from the upcoming DC movie is already surfing the internet

Watch The Rock turn into a superhero in Black Adam’s official trailer

The first trailer from the upcoming DC movie is already surfing the internet

After the smash hit that Batman was among the fans, the DC community was left with high expectations, excited about what could come next. It is no surprise that nowadays, not every movie that comes out becomes a huge success in the DC canon. A lot has been done and done over again. And even though there have been quality movies and TV series, DC just can’t keep up with the competition’s cinematic universe. Nevertheless, Warner Bros. keeps trying to do so.

The next DC installment on the big screen will be Black Adam, impersonated by Dwayne ‘The Rock’ Johnson. Today, the official trailer was released, and I must confess that the video gave me mixed feelings:

On one side, I was relieved to see that much action going on in less than three minutes. Looks like it'll be more of a fighting scene-based story and less of the vital moments that made Black Adam who he is. I mean, we’ll see a few of his origins for sure, but from the looks of it, the film will aim to show how OP he really is. Plus, we got a first glance at Hawkman, which is cool and looks genuinely intimidating.

But the thing is… ever since The Rock was confirmed to play the role, I was hesitant. Don’t get me wrong, I’m the biggest fan of the man, but for that same reason, I’m not sure that his genuine personality and what we have seen of him in other movies would fit a Black Adam personality. Even when he gave his voice to Maui in Moana or impersonated the Scorpion King himself, he was the bad guy, but in the end, he wasn’t that evil. Even the Twitter community is still not convinced:

We will have to find out if The Rock truly delivers the full power that Black Adam entails, don’t you think?


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