Not again… Nintendo takes down another Youtube cover channel

Are we surprised anymore?

Not again… Nintendo takes down another Youtube cover channel

Are we surprised anymore?

SynaMax is a Youtube channel about music production with 6.88K subscribers, among their videos this YouTuber have been creating covers and remixes of classic Nintendo hits.

However, and this is not new, Nintendo and their lawyers have already called SynaMax to request the removal of nine videos related to Metroid Prime.The YouTuber posted a video on his channel addressing the issue, stating that a lawyer representing Nintendo called him on May 31st.

We always have options

SynaMax didn’t waste time and expressed how deeply disappointed he was. He understands that Nintendo has the legal right to take this content down, however, he questioned why the company becomes aggressive instead of just demonetizing relevant videos and letting fans continue to produce and share Nintendo-inspired creations.

As noted by SynaMax, most creators would not mind losing revenue; they just want to share their songs with other fans; but the Japanese company never responds in accessible ways, mostly they send legal threats.

We will leave SynaMax video below:

This scenario has been repeating endlessly for fan creators whom as we said want to share their creations with other fans. Maybe is time for Nintendo to listen and try to understand how fan culture and fan projects aren’t a risk for their business.


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