Skate opens their playtest registration with a “we’re still working on it” trailer

Yeah, at least they are honest

Skate opens their playtest registration with a “we’re still working on it” trailer

Yeah, at least they are honest

If you were not aware, Skate is coming back! And they were trying to let you know that they are still working on it and they want to make things right.

In their latest “trailer” you can see how things are going in their pre-pre-pre alpha, don’t panic it's still very early and things may change. However, as we were saying they want to get this right and they need you to be a part of it.

Is time to roll

Playtest registration is open! That means that you will have the chance to play early versions of the game and provide feedback throughout the development. Of course, this experience will be implemented gradually so even though you register today there is not a guaranteed date for how soon you’ll get to play.

Obviously, if you happen to be selected, remember that sharing any videos, captures, screenshots or streaming of anything in the game is prohibited, so don’t do that and enjoy the chance.

You can register here.


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