Indie Bundle for Abortion Funds for only $10

A great way to support a cause

Indie Bundle for Abortion Funds for only $10

A great way to support a cause

Following the US Supreme Court's decision to overturn Roe v. Wade, the case that, since 1973, has protected people's right to choose an abortion, has launched a charity package to help raise money for abortion in the US.

100% of the proceeds from this bundle will go to the National Network for Abortion Fund's Collective Power Fund, which moves money directly to abortion funds across 20+ U.S. states, with a particular focus on the South and Midwest (where it is often most challenging to get access to abortions). NNAF’s partnerships with these abortion funds provide direct resources and funds to many of the people most impacted by Roe v. Wade for immediate action.

The Indie Bundle for Abortion Funds contains over 750 titles from more than 600 creators and is valued at over $3,000. The minimum donation is just $10.

The bundle is live now and will be available until July 15.


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