PlatinumGames insinuates that Project GG could be shown at E3 2023

The company's Vice President, Hideki Kamiya, revealed new information

PlatinumGames insinuates that Project GG could be shown at E3 2023

The company's Vice President, Hideki Kamiya, revealed new information

Project GG is one of the most intriguing projects the PlatinumGames team has up their sleeves. This new action game, directed by veteran Hideki Kamiya first revealed in a trailer in February 2020. Since then, we haven't received much information about the title's progress.

However, Vice President Hideki Kamiya hinted in a recent interview granted with Famitsu (via VGC) that maybe we could expect new information about this game, described as the climax to director Hideki Kamiya’s superhero trilogy, at E3 2023.

When asked about the game’s current development state, Kamiya responded: “I can’t give you any specifics (laugh). I can only speak in the abstract, but I don’t think that Project GG would have become a project of the scale it is today if it was just my idea alone.

Project GG started when I first presented the core of the game. That core is also contained in the teaser trailer. To put it simply, I was only thinking about what was in that video.

“The way we expanded from there had a lot to do with [president and CEO Atsushi] Inaba’s big ambitions. Rather than creating a single game, Inaba proposed ‘this is the kind of game PlatinumGames will make from now on.

“In response to this, I said: ‘I see, we could certainly realize this in a way that would flesh out the core of Project GG, and we expanded it into the large-scale project that it is today. I did not expect the game to take this form.”

Regarding whether Project GG was a typical Platinum action title like Kamiya’s previous projects, he replied that while the game will be similar in that it revolves around one core gameplay mechanic, it wouldn’t be pure action this time.

“If we had produced the game in its original form, it would probably have been a pure action game, as it has been up to now. However, Inaba’s ambitions took over, and the game expanded greatly. So this game will not end up being all action.” he added. According to Inaba, the project started to grow after receiving an investment from the tech giant Tencent in early 2020.

Finally, when asked when to expect further information, Yamane said: “Hmm, well, let’s see. If I had to say it, I’d say ‘See you in Los Angeles next June’'.

Are you excited about this new title? Let us know in the comments!


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