Valve will fulfill all Steam Deck reservations by the end of the year

After supply chain improvements things go quicker

Valve will fulfill all Steam Deck reservations by the end of the year

After supply chain improvements things go quicker

Good news! If by any chance you were still waiting for your Steam Deck order, seems like after improvements on the supply chain Steam will be able to fulfill all current reservations for the handheld gaming PC by the end of the year.

Wait times are dramatically shorter

According to a post shared on Steam’s website, the supply chain shortfalls that affect Steam Deck are gradually clearing up, and now they can continue production, so they will be able to produce Decks faster than ever before.

All the buyers who were in the "Q4 or later" window have been moved to the "Q3 (July-September)" window. And everyone else is now in the "Q4 (October-December)" window.

However, you still can reserve your very own Steam Deck and receive it in the Q4, nonetheless, if these queues fill up it will move over into the following quarter, which means 2023; so you gotta be fast.

Valve noted their excitement about putting more of this equipment in circulation, in their own words:

“We're happy we'll be able to get Steam Decks into your hands faster than we had estimated. It has been great to see all the positive feedback, impressions, and amazing things you all have already been doing with your Steam Decks. We can't wait to see even more in the coming months,"

If you are not familiar with it, is simple, the Steam Deck is a handheld gaming computer developed by Valve, and like the Nintendo Switch, it can be played as a handheld or connected to a monitor. You can play everything available on the Steam library including Windows PC games.



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