Hiroyuki Kobayashi leaves Capcom to join NetEase Games

Kobayashi will now support the developer as a producer

Hiroyuki Kobayashi leaves Capcom to join NetEase Games

Kobayashi will now support the developer as a producer

Hiroyuki Kobayashi has been a Japanese video game producer for Campcom since 1995. Today, the famous developer announced that Kobayashi left Capcom after 27 years and will join NetEase Games as a producer.

Kobayashi started as a programmer on the Resident Evil series in the 90s and took up producer roles for series like Dino Crisis, Sengoku Basara, and Devil May Cry. During his Capcom years, Kobayashi also served as a producer on the Dragon’s Dogma, among many others.

Get the entire message from Kobayashi below:

"Today, August 12th is my 50th birthday.
As such, I would like to share something very special with everyone:
After serving 27 years with gratitude, I have departed from Capcom on March 31, 2022, and will be officially joining NetEase Games as a producer.
Detailed plans will be shared later, so please stay tuned.
I will strive to continuously create more enjoyable entertainment experiences for everyone at this new company, in this new era.

Thank you for the continued support.

—Hiroyuki Kobayashi"

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