Sony is being sued for $5.9 billion for over-charging its consumers

Game over, Sony

Sony is being sued for $5.9 billion for over-charging its consumers

Game over, Sony

What a week kick-off. According to Sky News, Sony is being sued for $5.9 billion for over-charging its customers at the PlayStation Store. The lawsuit states that consumers have been overcharged for digital purchases of games and DLC, being that Sony is charging a 30% commission from them.

According to IGN, the damages per individual over the last six years go from £67 (around $79) to £562 (around $664), excluding interest, which amasses to the £5 billion total, the lawsuit claims.

From the looks of it, being the primary seller of PlayStation games has gotten out of hand.

Consumer rights advocate Alex Neill, the ex-managing director of non-profit consumer advice organization Which UK, is leading the legal action. Neill stated: "the game is up for Sony PlayStation". He also added:

"Gaming is now the biggest entertainment industry in the UK, ahead of TV, video, and music, and many vulnerable people rely on gaming for community and connection. But, unfortunately, the actions of Sony cost millions of people who can't afford it, particularly when we're in the midst of a cost of living crisis and the consumer purse is being squeezed like never before."


The legal action against Sony claims that the company unreasonably forces consumers to overspend and breaches competition law.

The partner leading the case, Natasha Pearman, said: "Sony dominates the digital distribution of PlayStation games and in-game content; it has deployed an anti-competitive strategy which has resulted in excessive prices to customers that are out of all proportion to the costs of Sony providing its services. This claim is only possible because of the opt-out collective action regime that was introduced by the Consumer Rights Act 2015, a regime that Alex fought to introduce. We are looking forward to working with Alex and making sure that the regime achieves its aims of protecting and compensating consumers."

What are your thoughts on Sony’s case? Have you purchased a Sony online game recently? Let us know in the comment section!


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