Twitch Partners are now allowed to stream on other platforms

We tell you all the details about this huge change

Twitch Partners are now allowed to stream on other platforms

We tell you all the details about this huge change

In what could be a real game changer for the world of streaming, or at least for many streamers, this Tuesday Twitch made a major modification to its Partners program leaving behind the exclusivity clause.

In case you didn't know, the Twitch Partner Program offers several benefits to its members, including more customization options for its channels and priority when they need technical support from the platform. At the same time, streamers commit to broadcast exclusively on the platform, a situation that has changed from now on.

No more exclusivity, but some special conditions

As of today, both Partners and Affiliates are allowed to create live content on other platforms if they wanted to do so. With this change, both streamers and content creators will be able to explore different alternatives to grow their communities without being limited to a single platform.

That being said, there is still one important restriction that Partners need to be aware of to avoid any issues. Streaming on other platforms similar to "Twitch-like services" simultaneously is not allowed. The document cites YouTube and Facebook as examples.

The official reason behind this decision is to prevent the community from receiving low-quality experiences as a result of interacting with two streams at once.

"However, we know many of you want to use other services to grow your community, so simulcasting on short form, mobile services, such as TikTok or Instagram Live, is allowed," it is clarified in the FAQ.

Also, streamers can feel free to promote their channels from other platforms without any restrictions or penalties. If you want to consult all this information you can do it directly on the official Twitch help page and check the FAQ about Partner Exclusivity,

The world of streaming is a scenario that has more and more competitors, not only with the growing number of people looking to start their channels but also because of the increase in dedicated platforms. Twitch seems to have made the right decision to keep and grow its audience

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