Here is how a complete match looks on AEW: Fight Forever

New glimpse on its gameplay

Here is how a complete match looks on AEW: Fight Forever

New glimpse on its gameplay

You can tell we are having a good streak of brand new gameplays thanks to Gamescom 2022. This time it was the turn of AEW: Fight Forever, only last month we got a lot of updates regarding game modes and roster, however today we got to appreciate a new glimpse of the gameplay by watching a complete match.

Presented by Colt Cabana and Evil Uno, both played a full match between Kenny Omega and Adam Cole. The gameplay footage gave us a better idea of what THQ Nordic have been working in.

Actually, according to fan comments the game looks better than expected as some of them has expressed a big degree of skepticism before. We can’t blame them we haven’t seen a lot of the game mechanics on detail before.

During the match, tutorial messages pop up explaining many of the stage features and situations, helping out by letting us know how to perform special attacks, break out of pin attempts, and escape submission holds, and as an extra they feature William Regal.

Without further due, here is the video:

The footage has a disclaimer that reads “This game is still in development, footage may not be representative of the final product.” So, we still can expect a little tweaking from THQ Nordic regarding the overall game experience, however, we can agree that the polishing phase should not be as complicated for the development team as players have given their thumbs up to most of the features shown.

What are your opinions on AEW: Fight Forever? Can it stand out from other wrestling games? Share your thoughts in the comments below.


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