CNBC guarantees that Amazon won’t make a bid for EA

Turns out the rumors weren’t true at all

CNBC guarantees that Amazon won’t make a bid for EA

Turns out the rumors weren’t true at all

Earlier today, USA Today released what appeared to be a thought-provoking announcement regarding Amazon possibly buying EA: ''According to our sources, the announcement will be made later today. We’ve reached out to Amazon and EA for comment and will update you if we hear anything back.''

Rumors of an EA acquisition have surfaced several times in recent months, with Apple and Disney mentioned as potential buyers. But none of them has actually completed the transaction.

And now that Amazon surfaced as a possible buyer, a very controversial conversation has begun on social media. Would this be true? How so? Unfortunately, this announcement has been denied by CNBC via Twitter:

“Amazon is not going to make a bid for Electronic Arts; sources tell CNBC's, David Faber. Shares of $EA surged earlier on a report citing a ‘rumor.’"

According to Reuters, these and many more similar deals come against the backdrop of the struggling global gaming industry as the surge in demand at the height of the pandemic cools down. Earlier this month, EA forecast quarterly adjusted sales below estimates, with Chief Financial Officer Chris Suh saying that the company was not "completely immune" to recession.

What are your thoughts on this? Let us know in the comment section!


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