Meta’s VR platform Vice President leaves the company

After almost six years…

Meta’s VR platform Vice President leaves the company

After almost six years…

Seems like Meta was left without one of its top leaders, as Vivek Sharma Vice President of Meta’s virtual reality platform Horizon is leaving the company after six years.

The former VP informed Reuters of his decision refusing to give more details about his departure from the Mark Zuckerberg’s corporation. However, a spokesman for Facebook-owner Meta confirmed the departure of Sharma and said his team would report directly to Vishal Shah, vice president of Metaverse.

According to the few public details available, Sharma is leaving for a new position in an unspecified company. Still, we can’t help to be a little suspicious of his sudden departure, as it comes after the FTC objected to Meta's purchase of Within and the embarrassing episode where critics mocked the graphics quality of Chief Executive Mark Zuckerberg's avatar in Horizon after he posted a screenshot of it on Facebook.

Who is Vivek Sharma?

Sharma was responsible for developing the immersive virtual environment that users experience when inside Meta's metaverse. He developed several platforms, among them Horizon Worlds, an expansive VR world-building platform, and Horizon Venues, which is focused on virtual events.

Also, he worked on Horizon Workrooms, a virtual conferencing technology aimed at business customers run by Meta's enterprise-focused "home and work" division. That is not all. He has an extensive career on Facebook as he previously served as vice president of Facebook Gaming.

Meta is still working hard on being the main gateway for accessing the metaverse; in such way that the company is spending billions and billions of dollars. Is this going to pay off? Only time will tell.



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