A brand-new creature would arrive in Pokémon Scarlet and Violet

A mysterious track of paint has appeared in Paldea…

A brand-new creature would arrive in Pokémon Scarlet and Violet

A mysterious track of paint has appeared in Paldea…

Yesterday, the official Pokémon Twitter account shared images of Paldea, the upcoming setting for Pokémon Scarlet and Pokémon Violet, with odd marks on its trees that could easily be some sort of paint. According to the tweet, these “strange markings” were spotted by a photographer from Paldea.

This was an obvious hint for a Pokémon's arrival, a creature that would be announced for the upcoming titles. But there was no further description or statement. Just the images above.

Today, another tweet surfaced with some more information about these paintings. Turns out that, in fact, it was all about a Pokémon, Grafaifai. Funny enough, the creature itself is tough to catch in action. So, we don’t have an official image of the creature just yet. But, from the looks of it, this will be a very artsy Pokémon.

Also, the Pokémon Twitter account left these images with a promise of an exciting revelation soon. So, it’s very likely that in the next few days, we will get the chance to know Grafaifai in depth.

The path toward the new Pokémon Scarlet and Pokémon Violet has been a fascinating one. We now know many things about Paldea, its locations, the people, and some new lovely Pokémon that we will be able to find there.

We are less than a month away from finding out how this new Pokémon games turn out. Are you excited? Let us know in the comment section!


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