2K's website reportedly hacked; players are advised to change passwords

'Support' sends malware emails

2K's website reportedly hacked; players are advised to change passwords

'Support' sends malware emails

According to Wccftech, game publisher 2K's website has been hacked, and criminals are taking the opportunity to catch players off guard by gaining access to their accounts via support tickets.

According to the report, the malicious attack employs RedLine malware. The scam started today when players began receiving messages about open help and support requests. Whether or not the user had opened a support ticket in the previous few days, a "reply" to the request would arrive shortly after, signed by a supposed employee of the publisher known as "Prince K."

This new message included a file called "2K Launcher.zip," which masqueraded as a new launcher version and was hosted on the domain 2ksupport.zendesk.com. When run, the program begins stealing data from the user's computer. The hackers thank users for opening the ticket and then offer the opportunity to download the company's new game launcher in the email's text.

The file sent to users, according to multiple virus scans, is actually a RedLine executable malware designed to steal information such as browser history, cookies, saved passwords, credit card data, and even cryptocurrency wallets.

If you received the message containing the file and have it installed on your computer, run a virus and malware scan right away. Furthermore, you must change all of your passwords for the services you use, including email accounts, streaming services, and banking.

The attack on 2K's website comes just days after a hacker leaked GTA 6 content. 2K, like Rockstar Games, is a Take Two company, which may imply that the attacks are linked.

Did you receive one of these emails? Let us know in the comments!


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