Leaks about Silent Hill and Metal Gear Solid were fake

Dan Allen apologizes for lying about these titles

Leaks about Silent Hill and Metal Gear Solid were fake

Dan Allen apologizes for lying about these titles

The Real Insider, the leaker who had been anticipating details about Assassin's Creed Mirage, has been unmasked after quickly gaining a large fan base; behind the fake account was YouTuber Dan Allen.

Allen had previously spread rumors about two of video game fans' favorite series via The Real Insider account. We're talking about Silent Hill and Metal Gear Solid, two historic franchises that have been dormant for a few years now, with no new chapters announced despite the numerous rumors that have circulated in recent months.

Allen even revealed that he had seen the new Silent Hill with his own eyes and encouraged his fans to "have faith in him." However, it was the YouTuber himself who apologized in a recent video, admitting that the Silent Hill and Metal Gear Solid leaks were completely false.

A Reddit user compiled the information provided by the insider, who implied that the announcement of Silent Hill and Metal Gear Solid Remake would happen soon.

This demonstrates that, even if a piece of news appears to be very interesting, when it comes to leakers and insiders, we must exercise extreme caution and wait for official announcements from the companies.

Were you expecting these games to be announced? Let us know in the comments!


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