Google STADIA was not successful and will close its service in 2023

Journalist shows interview from 2019 where Phil Harrison talks about the future of Google Stadia

Google STADIA was not successful and will close its service in 2023

Journalist shows interview from 2019 where Phil Harrison talks about the future of Google Stadia

Unfortunately, in any industry, high investments do not ensure success. This is happening with Google STADIA, which, in case you do not know, is a service for video games in the cloud operated by Google. It was launched in 2019.

Why do we say this? Because even though the service is not that many years old, it did not achieve the expected success, those in charge of the project have decided to cancel the service in a matter of months.

Today, Bloomberg journalist Jason Schreier shared two images on his official Twitter account about an interview with Phil Harrison, the Google Stadia boss.

In the images on the left side, we can see an interview from 2019 about being asked about the future of the STADIA project. In the image on the right, they show another recent interview about how Phil Harrison explains that STADIA did not have the success they expected and that they had to decide to cancel the service.

Despite everything, the Google service reached various parts of the world, and there it could not attract the mass public's attention. With this, the service will close just over three years of release.

What did you think of the closure of STADIA? Did you have the opportunity to try it? Tell us in the comments.

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