A Kingdom Hearts animated series was planned by Disney in 2003

There is a chance to see the pilot!!!

A Kingdom Hearts animated series was planned by Disney in 2003

There is a chance to see the pilot!!!

Oh Disney, what a way to ruin everything for Kingdom Hearts fans… at least in 2003. What if I told you that back then the company had the idea to produce an animated series based on Square Enix’s RPG but ultimately didn’t do it?

According to veteran animator, Seth Kearsley known for directing the 2002 adult animated musical starring Adam Sandler Eight Crazy Nights, Mummies Alive, Slacker Cats and Looney Tunes show; the Kingdom Hearts franchise could have had an animated series as he shared a bunch of material used in the pilot’s early stages of creation.

Can we see… the pilot?

On his personal Twitter account, Kearsley shared old scripts, boards, and other production notes for a Kingdom Hearts animated series that he found after going through his collection of work folders.

Surprisingly this is not the first time Kearsley shares Kingdom Heart’s related media, back in 2013 he uploaded some pilot boards on his Deviant Art account but it didn’t catch the internet’s attention like this time.

There he explained that he was hired by Disney TV animation to develop and direct an animatic for a possible Kingdom Hearts animated series after the first game was released. He was beyond excited as he is very into action/comedy stuff. Also, the idea to combine anime and classic Disney characters and having complete control of the script was a YES for Kearsley.

He noted that even though the pilot animatic tested exceptionally well, the company decided there wouldn't be an animated series because they planned on making more games instead.

NOW, there is a chance to see the pilot. In Kearsley’s own words:

“Many have asked “why now?” The short answer is that I almost died in a car accident in January. #kingdomhearts is one of those projects I would have been bummed if no one ever saw it. That’s why I released the boards that started this whole thing in the first place”

He also asked his followers if someone had any idea how to import VHS to digital, so chances are high for the producer to post a video in the coming weeks, the only question is if the video will stay up because you know… Disney.

Remember to stay tuned here at LevelUp we will make sure to publish it as soon as its up!


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