Rumour: PlayStation CEO personally visited EU headquarters to voice his concerns over Xbox’s Activision deal

Oh, won't somebody please think of PlayStation?

Rumour: PlayStation CEO personally visited EU headquarters to voice his concerns over Xbox’s Activision deal

Oh, won't somebody please think of PlayStation?

There is a rumour going around saying that PlayStation CEO, Jim Ryan has personally paid a visit to the European Union headquarters in order to voice his concerns over Xbox’s Activision acquisition and that is not all, seems like Google has already intervened as well.

In something that sounds like Helen Lovejoy’s “Won't somebody please think of the children” meme, the head of PlayStation is still pushing authorities worldwide to stop the imminent deal. With information from Dealreporter via GamingBolt, Ryan flew to Brussels to once again remark, “By giving Microsoft control of Activision games like Call of Duty, this deal would have major negative implications for gamers and the future of the gaming industry.”

“Inadequate on many levels”

Ryan has assured that he is only seeking access to future Call of Duty games on equal terms and in perpetuity and that his intentions are only in order to guarantee fair deals in the industry calling Microsoft’s extra proposals for keeping the series on PlayStation consoles “inadequate on many levels”. Also in an interesting turn, Google reportedly voiced concerns too.

If you are wondering which proposals we are taking about, back in September, Xbox boss Phil Spencer announced that Microsoft had provided a signed agreement to Sony, committing to keeping Call of Duty on PlayStation for “several” years beyond Activision’s already existing agreement. However, the “contract” just extended the deal for three more years.

While Sony’s main concern is the possibility of Call of Duty eventually becoming exclusive to Xbox platforms, many other people think that Microsoft will not risk the revenue that COD produce every year on all the different platforms.

What we can expect at least in the opinion of a bunch of experts in the field is that eventually, certain editions will come out as exclusives however the franchise will continue to release most of their titles for all. To be fair we will never know until the acquisition process ends.



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