Street Fighter 6 character creator is birthing nightmare avatars

Players are having fun and that is what matters

Street Fighter 6 character creator is birthing nightmare avatars

Players are having fun and that is what matters

The Street Fighter 6 closed beta started yesterday and besides giving players the chance to check out the main features of the upcoming Capcom game they also got the opportunity to test out the new Character Creator one and let’s say… they are having so much fun with it, maybe too much.

Players are creating the weirdest character ever, that only live in your weirdest nightmares or in the deepest of your mind. Fortunately, they are sharing them online for us to admire them… or just freak us out.

Almost Halloween, great timing

Well, some body horror doesn’t hurt anyone, right? So, the character creation tool gives a lot of options, we will risk it by saying the level of customization is one of the most complete ones available at least in the fighting genre.

Actually, there are videos showing how you can change the height, weight, bone structure, hair colour, length of its limbs… you can go crazy with it. Also, you can dress up your avatar using coins and tickets and well, let's say that fashion is a little risky too.

You can check all the customization options here:

Now, you may be curious about all the creations that now are floating around the internet and here we will leave you our favourites, enjoy!

We can’t wait to create or very own nightmares in the game when the final version or an open beta comes out. What do you think about this mode? Remember to share your thoughts in the comments below.


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