Epic Wins? Fortnite could return to iPhone and iPad

A new EU law would regulate big digital companies

Epic Wins? Fortnite could return to iPhone and iPad

A new EU law would regulate big digital companies

Impossible to forget the feud between Epic Games and Apple, it's been a while since the whole ordeal resulted in Fortnite: Battle Royale leaving the iPhone and iPad devices. Now seems like the fight we thought was done has served to mark a before and after to the trade regulators who finally got the time to work in the power and dominance of these large companies.

Ironically, this situation could represent the return of Epic Games products to Apple devices, at least in the European Union.

In case you missed it: Here is the result of Epic Games' lawsuit for dance plagiarism

A report from The Gamer shared information about the new rules imposed by the European Union. The Digital Markets Act was signed into law today, and soon it will require digital "gatekeepers" to open up, or else.

Meaning that next spring, in the European Union, Epic Games will make its comeback in iOS. Of course, this could had happen this year or earlier however, this law was postponed due to a number of details that remain to be addressed.

But what does this act, do exactly? According to official information, the DMA is based on considering large companies in the technology sector with preponderant digital platforms as gatekeepers, i.e. they have a large presence in the market, have at least 45 million users and have maintained that position in the last 3 years.

Being defined as a gatekeeper and considering that they are able to establish private rules that generate the bottleneck effect to the detriment of third parties and consumers and users, the DMA would force them to yield in several areas allowing, for example, that third-party programs can operate directly without having to go through the approval of their platform, just as it happens with iOS, App Store, and that was part of the claims made by Epic Games in the trial that took place in the United States.

At least it worked…

Now, the DMA is reportedly targeting companies such as Meta, Apple, Google, Microsoft and Amazon and even though they are not legally defined as “gatekeepers”. However, the UK authorities are preparing a review period in anticipation of opposition from these companies, which could lead to a legal dispute that would culminate by the end of 2023.

Unbelievable, at least this worked in European territory… do you think it should be applied in more regions? Remember to share your thoughts with us in the comments below.



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