Attack on Titan The Musical is getting closer to its premiere in Japan

We tell you the details of this project that no, it's not a joke

Attack on Titan The Musical is getting closer to its premiere in Japan

We tell you the details of this project that no, it's not a joke

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Shingeki no Kyojin (Attack on Titan) is one of the most popular anime in recent years, having thousands of fans around the world always creating all kinds of fan art, edits, and merch to publicize their fanaticism with the animated series.

Now, officially, all anime fans will soon be able to enjoy a musical. Well, a musical with several talented actors starring the iconic characters of Shingeki no Kyojin had been announced in Japan for months.


You can watch the trailer here:

It is worth mentioning that Attack on Titan The Musical was going to be released in 2017. However, the project was postponed and later canceled when Kazukata Yoshino, its main producer, passed away. Now, production has started again and will be released on January 7, 2023, in Osaka and on the 14th of the same month in Tokyo, the capital of Japan.

We will continue to see if this project will cross the borders of Japan.

What do you think of the Attack on Titan musical? Tell us in the comments.

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News related: "I'm so sorry", Attack on Titan creator apologizes for controversial manga ending


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