Microsoft signs commitment to bring Call of Duty to Nintendo for 10 years

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Microsoft signs commitment to bring Call of Duty to Nintendo for 10 years

Gaming is for everyone… everywhere

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The Steam deal is not the only commitment Microsoft was up to, Phil Spencer head of Xbox and general manager of gaming at Microsoft confirmed via Twitter that they have signed a deal with Nintendo to bring Call of Duty to the Japanese company’s game systems for the next 10 years, of course, once the merger with Activision Blizzard King ends.

Nintendo has gone nearly a decade without a new Call of Duty game, but this changes the whole scenario after Sony has been very vocal about the possibility of Microsoft making the shooter an exclusive.

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In the Tweet mentioned above, the executive clearly states that Xbox wants to bring more games to more people, making this deal a huge step in the right direction to make this possible.

That's not all, as Phil Spencer also assured that, once the purchase of Activision Blizzard is finalised, future Call of Duty games will continue to come to Steam. As such, they will no longer be exclusive to or the Xbox Windows app.

Ok… but what about Sony and keeping Call of Duty on PlayStation? Remember that Microsoft has been said to have offered this deal to Sony for days; however, it seems that the Japanese company's response was negative. So it looks like the ball is in Sony's court and it's up to them to accept this deal.

The gaming world is watching… what will happen next?


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