Last day of "Inside the House of Indies" arrives and announces its last four games

"All good things must crumb to an end"

Last day of "Inside the House of Indies" arrives and announces its last four games

"All good things must crumb to an end"

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Inside the House of Indies: Holiday Event has reached its last day, but the announcements it brings us are still excellent. This time we have 3 titles announced to be released in 2023 and one that, after several years, is finally playable today. We also got some extra news about the start of Indie World discounts in the Nintendo eShop.

Dust & Neon was developed by David Marquardt Studios and is coming on Nintendo Switch in early 2023.

The game developers give us the following overview: "Robots have rejected their life of servitude and taken over the planet, turning it into a not-so-enjoyable place for humans. Dust & Neon pits a single mech-enhanced cowboy against an army of robots in this fast-paced, Roguelite Action RPG twin-stick shooter, set in a futuristic Wild West."

UNDYING was first announced back in 2019's E3 and had its early access release on October 19, 2021. And now it is officially announced to be released on Nintendo Switch in Spring 2023.

"Infected by a zombie bite, Anling's days are numbered. She must now fight to survive, not for herself but for her young son, Cody. Ensure Cody's survival in this zombie-infested world by protecting him, searching for safety, and teaching him valuable skills, at any cost." -The game developers VANIMALS.

We received some words from Sabotage Studio's composer Yasunori Mitsuda, who tells his experience before getting to work with the game studio on its new title Sea of Stars. A game to be released sometime in 2023.

Sabotage explains that "Sea of Stars aims to modernize the classic RPG in terms of turn-based combat, storytelling, exploration, and interactions with the environment, while still offering a hearty slice of nostalgia and good old, simple fun."

Sports Story was initially announced 3 years ago, and today, this long-awaited title is finally available right now on the eShop! For just $14.99 you can play this amazing and unique title that developers Sidebar Games describe as follows:

"Sports story is a sports RPG like no other. Featuring not one but a mix of sports and sporting activities wrapped up in one big story. With a multitude of characters to meet, you will make plenty of friends and enemies along the way. Sports Story isn’t just about sports, it’s an all-out sporting adventure."

Wait, there's something else!

Nintendo was not going to say goodbye to this great event without giving us a surprise. The Indie World Holiday Sale has been announced! From today until January 1, 2023, you'll be able to buy indie titles with discounts of up to 50% off.

In case you missed it: Overcooked! 2 brings an upgrade scheme so you can get Overcooked All You Can Eat at 75%

That's it for this holiday event. Nintendo brought us many new games to play and more that we will be able to get in 2023. And it was also a great week for indie developers who also fulfilled their dream of bringing wonderful titles for gamers to enjoy.

Which are the games that caught your attention the most? Let us know in the comments!


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