Logan Paul’s NFT game is a crypto-scam

This dude never learns…

Logan Paul’s NFT game is a crypto-scam

This dude never learns…

Remember Logan Paul? Seems like he couldn’t stay away from controversy for long. You may remember him for the infamous 2017 video in the Aokigahara forest better known as the “suicide forest” where he showed a dead body.

As we were saying, the oldest Paul brother was doing a decent job by making fewer polemic decisions, however, a recent three-part video series from YouTuber and crypto investigator Stephen “Coffeezilla” Findeisen has shown that the blockchain game Paul used to promote is a complete scam.

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How many times do we need to say it…

In recent months Crypto ventures have had terrible outcomes and this blockchain game is now part of the list.

To begin with, you must know that CryptoZoo was a game that Paul used to heavily promote as an independent ecosystem where owners can collect, breed and trade unique animals as NFT. Like every blockchain game, you need tokens to play, so in this case, you would need the $ZOO token which of course you buy with real money.

If you already have your tokens, you can spend them on eggs that eventually will hatch and you will be able to trade them for tokens or other NFTs, easy peasy right? Well, the thing here is that the game doesn’t exist yet, and Logan’s fans and early investors have already spent hundreds of thousands of dollars… actually, 2.5 million dollars to be precise and they are still empty-handed.

In case you missed it: GTA online servers bans NFTs and Crypto

What now?!

The official web page for CrytoZoo says that they are “undergoing updates” however according to Coffeezilla’s videos the main developer hadn’t been paid at all for his work on CryptoZoo, despite bringing on a team of 30 engineers and burning $50,000 a week to build the NFT project, actually, another developer spoke with Coffeezilla to corroborate the story.

One victim known as Helicopter Bob also was part of the video and shared that he lost under $7,000 with CryptoZoo, he trusted the project but the project’s core mechanic never did work from the beginning. He also mentioned that basically, people were putting money into a system that was providing zero returns.

Sadly for these scammed players, there are not a lot of options… If you happen to have a story with CrytoZoo feel free to share it in the comments below, we will also leave the first video so you can check it out.

Remember folks, beware of the crypto-bros.


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