Digital or physical games? This is Masahiro Sakurai's favorite format

The creator of Super Smash Bros. says that both formats have their pros and cons

Digital or physical games? This is Masahiro Sakurai's favorite format

The creator of Super Smash Bros. says that both formats have their pros and cons

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For years, digital has been the most common format in music, movies, series, books, and video games. Is it superior to the physical format? The designer behind Super Smash Bros. spoke about the subject and shared his opinion.

We are talking about Masahiro Sakurai, a prestigious developer who became a YouTuber after completing the production of all the Super Smash Bros. Ultimate content. So, in a recent video, he addressed the controversial issue of video game formats and revealed which one he prefers.

Masahiro Sakurai
Masahiro Sakurai


The designer begins his speech and explains that the two formats have advantages. He says that physical copies last forever, don't take up much space on your hard drive, and are collectible. For digital games, he thinks they can be bought immediately, they never run out, they don't take up space in the home, and there's no need to go to the store to buy them or wait for the package to arrive.

However, Masahiro Sakurai acknowledges that both formats have their weaknesses. For example, he explains that digital copies can cost more than physical ones even though there is no box, nor does he contemplate the process of transportation, production, etc. He confirms that there are reasons why that happens, but he refrained from revealing details about it.

The Japanese creative comments that physical copies take up a lot of space. With this on the table, he confesses that he prefers digital video games, especially those he buys for himself. Despite having a vast collection of games and consoles, he claims he doesn't get too attached to physical objects.

“By the way, I also buy all my books digitally. Considering that I have over 6,000 digital books, I wonder how much space I would need to keep them all? As you can see, space is vital!” concluded Masahiro Sakurai.

Certainly, many people agree with the director of Super Smash Bros. Ultimate. At the end of 2022, the portal presented a report revealing that 7 out of 10 games sold worldwide are digital. This confirms that the physical format has lost more ground over the years.

But tell us, do you agree with the developer? Do you prefer physical or digital games? Let us read you in the comments.

Related News: What are the steps to create a game? Sakurai tells you


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