Play on Google STADIA skipping signup before its shut down

Tomorrow might be the last day

Play on Google STADIA skipping signup before its shut down

Tomorrow might be the last day

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The inevitable has arrived, Google STADIA is estimated to be totally shut down on January 18, 2023, and before it goes you can still try their Cloud Gaming service and play several of the titles you always wanted to try and haven't bought yet.

You can skip the signup process and start playing immediately, although the fluidity and efficiency of this service may evidence issues due to the traffic of players or because of its known technical problems.

Unfortunately, in any industry, high investments do not ensure success. This is happening with Google STADIA, which, in case you do not know, is a service for video games in the cloud operated by Google. It was launched in 2019. It did not achieve the expected success, and those in charge of the project decided to cancel the service a few months ago.

If we go back to September 2022, we can remember when Bloomberg journalist Jason Schreier shared two images on his official Twitter account about an interview with Phil Harrison, the Google STADIA boss.

Tom Warren, the Senior Editor at The Verge, replied on Twitter that STADIA's last day of service is tomorrow correcting the first Twitter post shared above. Meaning that today and tomorrow, January 18, are the last days that everyone can use this service before it shuts down.

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Despite everything, the Google service reached various parts of the world, and there it could not attract the mass public's attention. With this, the service will close just over three years of release.

Did you have the opportunity to try Google STADIA? Share your experience with us in the comments!


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