Apex Legends Mobile will close less than a year after launching

It wasn't as successful as they expected

Apex Legends Mobile will close less than a year after launching

It wasn't as successful as they expected

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Due to its success on consoles, many thought that Apex Legends would have an easy time conquering the mobile market and competing against giants such as Free Fire, PUBG Mobile, and Call of Duy: Mobile. The reality was different and Apex Legends Mobile will close less than a year after its launch.

Through a statement, Respawn Entertainment announced that it decided to end the development of Apex Legends Mobile. That's not all, since the Battle Royale will also cease operations as of May 1, 2023, at 4:00 PM PDT.

This means that Apex Legends Mobile has only 4 months of useful life left. It also means that Electronic Arts and Respawn Entertainment's ambitious project will close its doors one year after its launch, since its global version debuted on May 17, 2022.

Better play Apex Legends Mobile while it lasts
Better play Apex Legends Mobile while it lasts


Respawn Entertainment explained that it was a difficult decision to stop the development of Apex Legends Mobile. However, "factors beyond their control" prevented them from being able to maintain the high-quality experience they seek for their community.

"This decision does not come with ease. Factors beyond our control have prevented us from maintaining the high-quality experience and content that our players deserve.

Our gratitude to our players and teams for joining us in Apex Legends Mobile, even if for a short while, is unending. From the bottom of our hearts: thank you," said Respawn Entertainment.

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Everything indicates that Apex Legends Mobile will close since Respawn Entertainment was not happy with the work of Lightspeed & Quantum Studios, the studio in charge of its development. It also seems that the title lacked the expected success to justify the effort to pass it to another company.

What do you think about this title being shut down? Let us know in the comments!


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