Why is Mario so popular? Shigeru Miyamoto responds

The Nintendo character is synonymous with video games and a pop culture icon

Why is Mario so popular? Shigeru Miyamoto responds

The Nintendo character is synonymous with video games and a pop culture icon

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Super Mario Bros. is one of history's most important video game franchises and an emblem for more than one generation. Its protagonist, the mustachio, is still famous despite having over 35 years of history. Shigeru Miyamoto, the creative of Nintendo, has a theory.


During a recent interview with National Public Radio (NPR), Shigeru Miyamoto spoke about various issues related to Nintendo and the Super Mario Bros. franchise. In it, he confessed that he thought the character was popular because the game sold well. However, he comments that he now believes the character entered so many people's hearts because he serves as an avatar.

“Now I feel like it's a little different in that Mario is like your avatar or the person who represents you in this world. And that experience is there because, you know, it's been around for so long. It is an experience that several generations can share, do you understand? A father and his children can share it ”, commented the creative.

On the other hand, the Japanese designer theorizes that Mario managed to survive the passage of time and become an icon thanks to the fact that he is a video game character. He comments that he wouldn't be as popular or relevant if he had designed him as a comic book character or another entertainment medium.


“There was a time when people compared Mario to Mickey Mouse. And, well, Mickey Mouse is a character that was born 50 years before my time and was obviously still around in my generation. And I felt like Mickey grew along with the medium of animation. And in a similar vein, I feel that Mario grew up along with this digital medium," Shigeru Miyamoto commented in the interview.

Recently, the Japanese creative spoke about the comparisons with Disney and Steven Spielberg. While flattered, he also stated that he disagreed with the parallels.

But tell us, do you agree with the producer and designer? Let us read you in the comments.

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