Marvel’s Avengers brings its last update making everything free on the in-game store

Crystal Dynamics says goodbye to its fans after failure

Marvel’s Avengers brings its last update making everything free on the in-game store

Crystal Dynamics says goodbye to its fans after failure

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There is no deadline that is not met and no date that does not come, so Crystal Dynamics released this morning the last update for Marvel's Avengers. After its resounding failure, the game will stop receiving support and, to say goodbye, it prepares a great gift for its community.

The 2.8 update releases almost all the content in the title's store, so players can add it to their account at no cost. To top it off, the studio prepared a special item for the occasion that can be obtained for free: a War Machine skin for Iron Man.

In the update notes, Crystal Dynamics stated that almost all outfits, gestures, dog tags, and eliminations are now free. Players will find the items automatically on their hero card. The company clarified that items obtained by playing the campaign or purchased from the Cosmetic Vendor will only be unlocked that way, so players will have to progress through the game or acquire them as usual.

An important detail is that it will not be necessary to have Internet access to be able to use the unlocked content. As a token of appreciation, all players who have earned an achievement or trophy before April 1 will also receive the Founder's Gift - Iron Man's 'Variable Threat Response Battle Suit' for free.

On the other hand, it should be mentioned that the update also converted all player credits into resources that can be used within the title. In addition, version 2.8 solves several problems and makes adjustments so that the title remains stable during the next few months, on the way to its disappearance from online stores on September 30.

Crystal Dynamics used the game's social networks to present the special outfit for Iron Man and to publish a special message saying goodbye to players. "To all of you who've enjoyed and will continue to enjoy Marvel's Avengers, thank you," the company wrote.

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This title has a community that will miss enjoying the new and updated content it brought to the game. From those players who have recently started to those who have been playing the game for more than 300 hours will receive this news with disappointment or sadness, but there is nothing to be done about a decision like this.

Are you a current player of this title? Share your thoughts with us in the comments!


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