RUMOR: Portal 3? Half-Life 3? Valve appears to be working on ambitious unannounced game

Fans are already excited about it

RUMOR: Portal 3? Half-Life 3? Valve appears to be working on ambitious unannounced game

Fans are already excited about it

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Without a doubt, Valve has some of the most iconic franchises in the video game industry. With the recent announcement of Counter-Strike 2, the community remains optimistic that the company is working on other titles from its extensive IP library. Now, new clues are fueling those hopes.

It just so happens that a user noticed some very interesting information on the LinkedIn profile of one of Valve's employees. Specifically, the artist Boyang Zhu reports in his professional history that he has been working on an "unannounced project" since January this year. Unfortunately, he does not reveal more information about it.

While the above is more than enough to get the community excited, there's still more to be cut. Level designer Michael Anderson, who reportedly left Valve in early 2022, revealed on his LinkedIn profile that he worked on an unannounced project during his time at the company.

"Created a variety of prototypes with my team focused on ambitious, never-before-seen gameplay for an unannounced project. Developed AI, player mechanics, and puzzles from scratch," the designer explained on the job market-oriented social network.

Because Michael Anderson mentions that he worked on a puzzle title, fans theorize that the third installment of Portal is in development. However, other users recall that Half-Life also has physics-centric puzzles, while more players point out that references to Left 4 Dead 3 were found in the Counter-Strike 2 Beta files. In short, nothing is clear at this point and there are many possibilities up in the air.

It's hard to know if Gabe Newell's company has something in the works. If so, it's possible that it will be a new installment of its established franchises. However, there's a chance it could be something new, as the level designer explained that the gameplay of the project was something "never seen before."

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Last year, Valve revealed that it has many titles in development. Shortly after, a hint emerged that one of the projects is named NEON PRIME. Either way, we recommend remembering that this is just a rumor and we must wait until the company makes an official statement that confirms or denies this information.

Do you think there will be a third installment for any of the long-awaited games the community loves so much? Let us know in the comments!



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