Phil Harrison quietly left Google after STADIA's resounding failure

The executive was in charge of the cloud gaming service

Phil Harrison quietly left Google after STADIA's resounding failure

The executive was in charge of the cloud gaming service

STADIA failed big time, and Google has already buried the last remains of its cloud gaming service. To the surprise of few, it has just been revealed that Phil Harrison, the executive in charge of the project, left the company after stumbling once again in the video game industry.

If you didn't know, Harrison previously worked at Microsoft, PlayStation, and Atari, companies where he also didn't have the best of luck. Now, it's unknown what path the former head of STADIA will take, but it's a fact that he's no longer at Google.


Thanks to a report from Business Insider, we know that Harrison left his position at Google at some point in January. The outlet reports that he "left quietly" once the service shut down its operations.

According to the details, Google worked hard to keep the service active after canceling its plans to develop original games with Stadia Games and Entertainment. It decided to focus on deals with external studios to feed the service's catalog, but it also didn't work as expected.

Their last resort was to try to make deals with third parties not involved in video games but who might be interested in STADIA's cloud technology. Unfortunately for Harrison, nothing worked. In the end, he left Google without making his resignation public.

At the time of writing, it's unclear what path the former STADIA executive will take, so it's unclear if he will continue in the video game industry. For its part, Google recently reiterated that it won't give up and will continue working to position itself better in the industry.


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