Xbox deals heavy blow to gamers emulating PlayStation and Nintendo games on Xbox Series X|S

Are classic games from other companies coming to an end on Xbox?

Xbox deals heavy blow to gamers emulating PlayStation and Nintendo games on Xbox Series X|S

Are classic games from other companies coming to an end on Xbox?

For years, Xbox Series X and Xbox Series S users have been bragging about the emulation capabilities of their consoles. And no, we're not talking about the ability to play Xbox or Xbox 360 classics on the new generation console, but rather emulators that allow you to play classics from other brands such as Nintendo or PlayStation. Sadly, it seems like this era has come to an end for its users.

Microsoft has made a decision that will be a hard hit for all users who use their Xbox Series X or Xbox Series S to emulate games from other companies. Until today, players had the opportunity to download emulators like Duckstation, Dolphin, and Xenia from external methods outside of the Xbox store. This despite Microsoft not allowing this type of product in their store.

However, it seems that Microsoft realized what their users were doing and got to work to put an end to the methods that allowed them to install these emulators on their Xbox Series X|S console. In fact, players who already have the emulators will encounter an error message the next time they try to start them, notifying them that the application they want to open violates Microsoft Store policies.

So, players who want to use Xbox emulators will have to use the developer mode, which comes with a price. In case you didn't know, developer mode is a way in which studios can transform their commercial Xboxes into development and testing tools. Access to this mode requires paying $20 USD, and you'll have to exit it every time you want to play a non-emulated game.

What's your take on this news? Did you use emulators on your Xbox Series X or Xbox Series S? Let us know in the comments.


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