This NES is a lethal combat robot that can cut fruit and cartridges with a saw

The unusual creation will fight with a modified SEGA Master System

This NES is a lethal combat robot that can cut fruit and cartridges with a saw

The unusual creation will fight with a modified SEGA Master System

Do you like custom consoles? If so, you will be impressed by the latest project by Electrosync, a group of enthusiasts who dedicate themselves to making crazy creations to share with their community. Now, they decided to modify a NES to turn it into a dangerous combat robot.

The project as such is called NESTroyer and involves the popular Nintendo console. Members of Electrosync modified it to the point of making it a lethal machine that can cut things thanks to an attached saw.

This is how the NESTroyer looks in action

Electrosync used parts from various household appliances and tools to bring the NESTroyer to life. The console can be moved freely and quickly thanks to a remote control. It is also equipped with a sharp saw coming out of its cartridge tray.

Its creators put its power to the test and cut various objects, from fruit, cans and even cartridges. They also modified the console's design a bit to put their name on the front. We know that Electrosync resorted to 3D printing to achieve some of the details of their project.

The system proved very popular among gamers, who were totally amazed by the power of the NESTroyer. Because of this, Electrosync is not done with modifying consoles yet, as it plans to do something similar with a SEGA Master System.

The idea is to pit the two consoles against each other in a duel that will revive the fight between Nintendo and SEGA in a new way. Electrosync shared a video where he explains step by step how the NESTroyer was created and, in addition, shows it in action. You can watch it below:


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