"We hate not meeting your expectations", Greenberg assures that Xbox will work to compete

The executive spoke about the tough week that the brand experienced.

"We hate not meeting your expectations", Greenberg assures that Xbox will work to compete

The executive spoke about the tough week that the brand experienced.

Xbox had a tough week following the release of Redfall and Phil Spencer's statements in an interview. Aaron Greenberg, Xbox's marketing vice president, acknowledged that these have been difficult days, so he decided to talk about the issue to reassure gamers.

Through his social media accounts, the executive stated that they hate not meeting the expectations of their audience. For this reason, they will continue working hard and striving to show what they can achieve with the support of the community.

Greenberg celebrated that the independent studio Cococucumber recently praised Xbox Game Pass and, jokingly, stated that "someone still loves them." He pointed out that it was a tough week but they are still working passionately for all their players.

He added that they will not give up and will keep striving to compete and demonstrate what they can do. So he anticipated that there are exciting things in store that they are eager to show in the future.

"In all seriousness just know that while you may not always see it on your Twitter feed there is a passionate set of folks across Team Xbox working incredibly hard for you all.

"We care deeply, we hate when any of us miss meeting your expectations, and we want to compete for your support by showing you how great we can be. Excited to see the team show more of what’s next for Xbox gamers soon," Greenberg said.

Some players celebrated the executive's words and stated that they will patiently wait for the next games. However, Greenberg did not escape criticism, as some people talked again about Xbox's strategy and doubted it.


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