A real gamer! Henry Cavill prefers playing video games at home than going out

The actor found in gaming a way to deal with fame and media pressure

A real gamer! Henry Cavill prefers playing video games at home than going out

The actor found in gaming a way to deal with fame and media pressure

¡After his debut as Superman a few years ago, Henry Cavill became one of the most popular film and television actors of the world. Fame is great, but it also comes with all kinds of inconveniences. To deal with the pressure of being in the public eye, he found in video games an escape route.

Indeed, the British actor is known for his passion for gaming. For example, a few months ago he revealed that he plays more than 4 hours a day and that painting Warhammer figures allowed him to cope with the health contingency that took place a few years ago due COVID-19. He also built his own gaming PC and shared the process with his fans.


In a 2019 interview with GQ, Henry Cavill revealed that video games are not only one of his favorite pastimes, they are also a way to deal with the media pressure that comes with being famous.

“Every time I step out my front door, I’m hyper aware. Even if I’m not looking terrible, you still realize there are people taking sneaky photos of you, because that’s what people like to do. And then they put them on the internet and you see them on Instagram and you’re like, ‘Oh my god” commented the Hollywood celebrity.

The British actor confesses that this is one of the reasons why he prefers to stay at home to enjoy gaming. At home, I get to sit playing games for ridiculous amounts of hours and escape there, because going outside has the opposite effect”, he said in the interview.

Although Henry Cavill had a difficult year after leaving The Witcher adaptation and hanging up his Superman cape in the DC Comics cinematic universe, he already has new projects on the horizon. One of the most interesting is the new Warhammer series that he will produce and star in. "I will respect the IP we love," he said at the end of 2022.

But tell us, what do you think of the actor's statements? Do you share his feelings? Let us read you in the comments.



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