"We could of had Days Gone 2 out a month ago," Bend Studio creative throws shade at PlayStation

Jeff Rose showed disappointment with the PlayStation Showcase and what happened to the franchise

"We could of had Days Gone 2 out a month ago," Bend Studio creative throws shade at PlayStation

Jeff Rose showed disappointment with the PlayStation Showcase and what happened to the franchise

For a while now, we have known that Bend Studio is working on something new, but the company was absent from this week's PlayStation Showcase. Jeff Rose, a former member of the studio and creative director of Days Gone, reacted to the event and showed disappointment.

Beyond the announcements, Rose spoke about Days Gone 2, a project that was canceled by PlayStation. The creative stated that the sequel would already be available if everything had gone ahead. With this, he criticized the PlayStation Showcase, where release dates were absent.


"I get a little bummed out from these #PlayStationShowcase shows because they only remind me we could of had Days Gone 2 out a month ago if we'd have just stuck to our guns.," Rose said.

Players reacted and lamented everything that happened to the franchise in general, which led to the cancellation of its sequel. Fans criticized the PlayStation Showcase since it was full of announcements without a date. They regret that Days Gone 2 is just a dream when they could already have it in their hands.

Hopeful individuals asked Rose about the possibilities of seeing the sequel someday, but the creative did not seem very positive about it. He stated that making the project a reality would be complicated, mainly since Sony has no interest in the game.

“Too much time has passed, and over 90 people from the original team have left the studio. And Sony just doesn't seem to care,” added Rose.

The community showed its support for the developer and the franchise, so they asked Sony and PlayStation to make their comeback a reality. However, after everything that has happened, it seems unlikely.


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