Jim Ryan believes PS5 will sell more than 100 million units and surpass popular consoles

The executive gave his sales forecast for the console during its lifetime

Jim Ryan believes PS5 will sell more than 100 million units and surpass popular consoles

The executive gave his sales forecast for the console during its lifetime

PlayStation 5 has already shipped more than 38 million units and its sales pace is at one of its best moments. Because of this, Jim Ryan, head of Sony Interactive Entertainment, believes that the console will be a milestone for Sony.

The executive was optimistic about the sales that PlayStation 5 will accumulate in the coming years, so he gave his forecast and explained why he is confident that the console will be a resounding commercial success.

PS5 will surpass 100 million units sold, according to Jim Ryan

In a recent investor meeting, Ryan spoke about the future of PlayStation 5 and its sales. The executive was satisfied with the 38 million units sold so far, but made it clear that they will go much further in the coming years.

He expects to sell at least another 70 million units of the console, so he wants PlayStation 5 to ship at least 108 million units in its lifetime. From his perspective, they can achieve this without any problems as PS4 had a huge user base and many of them will make the jump to the current system sooner or later.

On the other hand, Ryan believes that many new gamers will join the PlayStation ecosystem, which will contribute to reaching the goal and surpassing 100 million consoles sold.

"Yes, I would anticipate that over the life of the PlayStation 5, that we should be able to exceed a figure of 70 million on top of the 38 million [we have achieved]. The reason I say that is the 70 million I think is the existing PlayStation 4 user base" the executive said.

If PlayStation 5 reaches at least 108 million units sold, then it would leave PS3 (87.4 million) and the first PlayStation (102.4 million) behind. However, it would lag behind PS4 (117.2 million) and, of course, PS2 (155 million).


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