The Pokémon Company wants to make better games and avoid mistakes like the ones in Scarlet & Violet

The company wants to deliver quality products to the fans

The Pokémon Company wants to make better games and avoid mistakes like the ones in Scarlet & Violet

The company wants to deliver quality products to the fans

Pokémon is one of the most popular and profitable franchises in the industry; however, its most recent games have debuted with serious technical problems that raise doubts about the future of the series. For this reason, it is not strange to know that fans are worried after what happened with Pokémon Scarlet & Violet.

Everything indicates that The Pokémon Company is aware of the uncertainty that afflicts the fans, since it recently stated that it is already working to deliver quality products to its followers. This without abandoning the rhythm of constant releases that characterize the franchise.

The Pokémon Company wants to avoid games full of glitches
The Pokémon Company wants to avoid games full of glitches

The Pokémon Company wants to deliver better games to fans

Takato Utsunomiya, chief operating officer of The Pokémon Company, recently spoke to ComicBook about the franchise's release stream. The executive explained that the saga has steady releases and that there are no immediate plans to change that strategy.

However, the company knows that the industry and development environments change, so it is a challenge to maintain this pace and at the same time deliver products that meet fans' expectations. For this reason, they are working to maintain their pace while ensuring quality products.

"I think in general, if you look at the past, the path we've taken up until now has been this constant release, always regularly releasing products on a fairly fixed kind of a cadence, you might say.

"I think we're still operating in that way, but there's more and more conversations, as the development environments change, about how we can continue to do this, while making sure that we're ensuring really quality products are also being introduced," said the executive.

As you probably already know, the most recent releases for Nintendo Switch have suffered from various technical problems and other issues that have ruined the experience for many players. Also, the franchise has been criticized for not taking a real step forward to take advantage of the potential of the current hardware.


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