Borderlands 4 may have been in development for years and could debut sooner than you think

A new clue suggests that Gearbox's new project shouldn't take too long

Borderlands 4 may have been in development for years and could debut sooner than you think

A new clue suggests that Gearbox's new project shouldn't take too long

Borderlands is a franchise that debuted in 2009 but has become one of the most significant in the industry in less than 15 years, thanks to Gearbox and Take-Two Interactive. After Borderlands 3, it was expected that there would be Borderlands 4, and it seems that it may not take too long before it's revealed.

This belief stems from a new clue about the franchise's new project shared by Nicolas Rudowski, a developer who, through his LinkedIn page, indicates that he was involved in the project from November 2021 to April 2023.

How many years has Borderlands 4 been in development?

In other words, the development of Borderlands 4 would date back to at least 2021, although it could have started much earlier, as Rudowski does not specify whether he joined the project from the beginning or joined Gearbox when it was already in progress.

For context, it's worth noting that Borderlands 3 was announced in 2015, and formal development in Unreal Engine 4 began in 2017, leading to its release in 2019. Therefore, if Borderlands 4 began development in 2021, at least the announcement should be imminent, and the game may likely be ready by 2025.

Borderlands 4 would have been in development for at least 2 years
Borderlands 4 would have been in development for at least 2 years

In 2021, there were already hints suggesting that Gearbox was working on the next main installment in the series. Randy Pitchford, the CEO of the company, invited fans to join the project without explicitly referencing Borderlands 4.

Despite all of the above, neither Gearbox Entertainment nor Take-Two Interactive have revealed or alluded to Borderlands 4.

Are you looking forward to the new Borderlands? Let us know in the comments.

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