"Its woke", Marvel's Spider-Man 2 features inclusive language and sparks controversy

Insomniac Games' video game stirred up controversy

"Its woke", Marvel's Spider-Man 2 features inclusive language and sparks controversy

Insomniac Games' video game stirred up controversy

After a long wait, Marvel's Spider-Man 2, the latest video game inspired by the web-slinging superhero, is now available worldwide. Despite its positive reception by a portion of the community, it couldn't avoid criticism and has already become embroiled in its first major controversy.

In the midst of the official launch, fans discovered that the open-world title features inclusive language, at least in the Latin American Spanish and Castilian dubs. It is not certain whether the original English version employs the same approach, but it seems that it does not.

For those who may be unfamiliar, inclusive language, as the name suggests, seeks to avoid discriminating or excluding any gender or identity during oral or written communication. This is achieved by using a 'neutral' term.

This language is highly controversial, and its implementation has been a topic of discussion both online and in other social spaces. Now, the debate has entered the gaming world thanks to Marvel's Spider-Man 2, a PlayStation 5 exclusive.

Players criticize Marvel's Spider-Man 2's inclusive language

In a recent viral clip, you can hear Harry Osborn, Peter Parker's best friend, referring to "le doctore Young, une importante entomólogue." Players reacted to this scene in the Latin American dub and expressed their dissatisfaction on social media. Some even labeled Insomniac Games' title as "woke."

"Tell me it can be changed and is not mandatory," one user asked. "Reasons why I won't buy their games. Not a cent for the woke mob," stated another.

In any case, these discoveries have sparked a heated discussion on social media. While some people are supportive of inclusive language or responded indifferently, others criticized this decision and claimed the game is attempting to impose an agenda or ideology on young people.

But tell us, what do you think of this situation? What is your stance? Share your thoughts in the comments.


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