"It will be very epic," Insomniac raises the hype for Marvel's Spider-Man 3

Creative Director Bryan Intihar compared the games to these MCU movies, what did he mean?

"It will be very epic," Insomniac raises the hype for Marvel's Spider-Man 3

Creative Director Bryan Intihar compared the games to these MCU movies, what did he mean?

Marvel's Spider-Man 2 has hit stores and is now available exclusively for the PS5. While most fans are still exploring what this installment has to offer, a sector of the community is already thinking about the third game. Will there be another sequel? It's impossible to know, but it seems that Insomniac Games already has some ideas on the table.

During his recent appearance on the Friends Per Second podcast, Bryan Intihar, Creative Director of Insomniac Games, discussed various topics related to the latest Marvel superhero title and answered some questions from the hosts of the show.

As expected, the topic of a possible 3rd installment of the successful Insonmiac Games and PlayStation franchise came up at one point. While it's unknown if a sequel is in the works, the studio's creative shared information that elevated the community's hype.

Marvel's Spider-Man 3 would be very epic, according to Bryan Intihar

When asked about the elements he would like to address in a hypothetical 3rd entry in the series, Bryan Intihar was very cautious and thought carefully before sharing his response to avoid saying something that could get him into trouble. After pondering it, he compared the previous titles to movies in the Marvel Cinematic Universe.

"If Marvel's Spider-Man 1 and Miles Morales were like our Iron Man, and Marvel's Spider-Man 2 was like our Civil War... where do we logically go from there? I think it would be very epic. But we'll see," said the studio's creative.

What will Marvel's Spider-Man 3 be about?
What will Marvel's Spider-Man 3 be about?

Judging by Bryan Intihar's statements, the entire world is in danger, and the friendly superhero will need the help of other Marvel Universe heroes. Of course, this is pure speculation.

It's important to reiterate once again that Bryan Intihar didn't confirm that Insomniac Games is working on Marvel's Spider-Man 3. Therefore, we recommend taking his statements with a grain of salt to avoid disappointment.

What is Insomniac Games' next game?

Since Marvel's Spider-Man 2 has just arrived in stores, it seems unlikely that the studio will share more information about its upcoming projects. So far, we only know that they are working on Marvel's Wolverine, a new video game focused on the X-Men member.

However, Jon Paquette, Director of Narrative at Insomniac Games, has left the door open for a Venom spin-off.

But tell us, would you like to see a new game in this franchise? Let us know in the comments.

Marvel's Spider-Man 2 is now available for PlayStation 5.


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