Source says PlayStation to change one of its most controversial decisions with this plan

The company apparently wants to readjust its course and its long-term strategy

Source says PlayStation to change one of its most controversial decisions with this plan

The company apparently wants to readjust its course and its long-term strategy

Sources claim that the recent layoffs and the crisis PlayStation is going through is due, above all, to its attempt to bet on games as a service. Fans of the brand believe this is a mistake and one of the company's most controversial decisions, as it may affect its short- and long-term future.

According to a report, Sony is aware of the dissatisfaction of gamers and its developers regarding this gaming model. For this reason, it is said that the company will change its approach and already has an alternative plan.

PlayStation would rely more on third parties and bet less on games as a service

Several resetera users discussed and criticized PlayStation and Sony's focus on games as a service. Everyone was struck by the statements of a user known as Head on the Block, who claimed that several studios are working on productions of this type, and that some of them were forced to do so.

The most interesting thing is that, according to his sources, Sony will change its strategy and would allow third parties to work with its franchises in a more open way. He claimed that SEGA and Bandai Namco are supposedly working with PlayStation IP.

Thus, the company would somewhat reduce its focus on games-as-a-service and allow third parties to take on this or other types of projects.

Head on the Block claims that this adjustment will take time to materialize, so the changes and results would come in a matter of years. Finally, he hinted that SEGA might be working on a new Wipeout. It is important to mention that this is merely a rumor that has not been backed up by any other source.

"Almost every studio you listed here is or was working on an online game, some forced to really. Scuttlebutt is, Sony is reversing course and using third party to catch up on some IPs," said the source.

If so, there is a chance that PlayStation Studios teams will have a chance to focus on single-player titles while third parties take on games-as-a-service. It could also happen that partners take over smaller productions based on PlayStation IPs, while Sony studios remains focused on games as a service. However, we remind you that nothing is confirmed for now.

PlayStation would change its strategy after dissatisfaction with games-as-a-service
PlayStation would change its strategy after dissatisfaction with games-as-a-service


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