The Last of Us: Who will be Dina in the HBO series? Fans already have their favorite actresses

The character will be an important part of Season 2 of the production

The Last of Us: Who will be Dina in the HBO series? Fans already have their favorite actresses

The character will be an important part of Season 2 of the production

HBO has not confirmed the new actors we will see in Season 2 of The Last of Us; however, fans have already speculated about it. Recently, several fans of the saga talked about the ideal actress to play Dina.

While many believe that the character already appeared in the first season, specifically in episode 6, they know that her role will be very important in the new episodes. So they did not hesitate when revealing the actresses they would like to see in the role.

Fans want these actresses as Dina in The Last of Us

For months now, it has been believed that Paolina van Kleef will bring Dina to life, as she played the mysterious girl in Chapter 6 who briefly interacts with Ellie. Despite this, fans believe that another actress will take the role for Season 2.

From the fans' perspective, Iman Vellani, an actress who currently brings Kamala Khan to life, could be the one for the role. Others believe the obvious choice should be the actress who modeled for the character, namely Cascina Caradonna.

The discussion divided the opinion of some players. Several recalled that Dina is a Jewish character and should therefore be played by a Jewish actress. Part of the community believes that this should not be a requirement to be fulfilled.

Now, it is important to mention that this is merely speculation, as HBO has not confirmed the actress who will play Dinah nor revealed if the mysterious girl in episode 6 is actually the character.

Paolina van Kleef had a mystery role in episode 6
Paolina van Kleef had a mystery role in episode 6
Will Iman Vellani be Dina?
Will Iman Vellani be Dina?
Cascina Caradonna, Dina model
Cascina Caradonna, Dina model


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