"It's a shame", Hideki Kamiya talks about the future of Bayonetta and worries gamers

Creative had plans for 9 games in the saga, but is now out of PlatinumGames

"It's a shame", Hideki Kamiya talks about the future of Bayonetta and worries gamers

Creative had plans for 9 games in the saga, but is now out of PlatinumGames

Hideki Kamiya left PlatinumGames a few months ago and decided to become a youtuber for a while to stay in touch with gamers. Many of his fans are worried, as they know that his departure from the studio will affect Bayonetta, one of his most popular franchises.

Because of this, the developer decided to break the silence and talk about the future of the saga. He recalled that his original plans were to make up to 9 games in the franchise; however, this will no longer be possible. Kamiya believes this is a shame, but hopes that PlatinumGames will do something to keep the saga active.

Is Bayonetta in trouble after Kamiya's departure from PlatinumGames?
Is Bayonetta in trouble after Kamiya's departure from PlatinumGames?

Kamiya is not optimistic about the future of Bayonetta

In a recent video on his YouTube channel, Kamiya talked about what the future holds for Bayonetta. His statements somewhat worried fans, as everything indicates that the creative will no longer be involved in any way in the future titles of the series.

The developer recalled that his goal was to make a 9-game saga; however, I think everything will be different now. He is not aware of PlatinumGames' plans for the franchise, but hopes that the studio will do something to keep it active in the future.

“As I explained earlier, I worked on Bayonetta 1, 2, 3 and Origins. I’ve talked about this in various interviews, that the Bayonetta series would consist of a total of nine episodes, and that I wanted to grow the franchise as the Bayonetta ‘Saga’, but it seems like I may have to take the full saga to the grave with me. It’s a shame. It’s not like I own the Bayonetta IP, but I suppose those who do will probably keep it going,” Kamiya stated.

Following these statements, some fans fear that PlatinumGames will pause the franchise for some reason or that future installments will simply not meet expectations due to Kamiya's absence. At the time of writing, the developer has not revealed what its plans are for Bayonetta.


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