Silent Hill 2: Bloober Shares Bittersweet News About the Remake

It seems that the studio and Konami cannot agree on this project

Silent Hill 2: Bloober Shares Bittersweet News About the Remake

It seems that the studio and Konami cannot agree on this project

It seems that a curse looms over Silent Hill as everything that has emerged, and is in progress, outside the original team has had poor results. The "return" of the IP announced by Konami already had its first failure with SILENT HILL: Ascension, an interactive series that did not please fans. Now attention, along with concern, is focused on Silent Hill 2, the remake handled by Bloober Team.

Bloober assures that Silent Hill 2 is progressing well, but hints at a strained relationship with Konami

Through a post on their official Twitter | X account, Bloober Team shared a statement regarding the current situation of the Silent Hill 2 remake. To begin with, the studio asserts that they are proud to be part of this new era of the franchise and are committed to ensuring that the remake meets the expected standard of quality.

Bloober Team assures that Silent Hill 2 is doing well, but news is Konami's responsibility
Bloober Team assures that Silent Hill 2 is doing well, but news is Konami's responsibility

Subsequently, Bloober Team states that the development of the Silent Hill 2 remake is going well, progressing and aligning with the project's schedule. They also mentioned that they are aware fans are eager to see progress and expressed gratitude for that interest.

However, once again, Bloober pointed out that all information related to the Silent Hill 2 remake is the responsibility of Konami, and the Japanese company, as the publisher, is in charge of showcasing progress and revealing details. The statement concludes with the phrase "we know the wait will be worth it."

What's Happening with the Silent Hill 2 Remake?

In recent days, due to the lack of new updates on Silent Hill 2 Remake, some fans speculated about the possibility that the project is in trouble or could even be canceled. Bloober responded, blaming Konami for this situation and stating that it's not up to them to showcase progress on the project, something uncommon as the publisher-developer relationship usually goes hand in hand, but in this case, it seems both the studio and the company are going their separate ways.

So far, only a leaked release date for the first quarter of 2024 is available, but apart from that, there's no additional information.

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