E3 is dead: the event is cancelled and there are no plans for its return

Organizers bid farewell to the emblematic videogame show

E3 is dead: the event is cancelled and there are no plans for its return

Organizers bid farewell to the emblematic videogame show

We are facing the end of an era, as the Entertainment Software Association (ESA) has just announced the death of E3. What was once the industry's most important event is cancelled forever and there are no plans for its return in the future.

E3 came to an end and ESA bids farewell to the iconic event

E3 is dead and won't be back
E3 is dead and won't be back

Via a statement, it was reported that the ESA put an end to E3 as it does not plan to host yet another edition of the event in the future. As you probably know, the show faced several problems and failed to meet expectations over the past few years.

In fact, there were already reports about the cancellation of its 2024 and 2025 editions; however, it is now a fact that E3 is dead and will not return. Stanley Pierre-Louis, president of the ESA, confirmed the news and said goodbye to the important event.

“After more than two decades of hosting an event that has served as a central showcase for the U.S. and global video game industry, the Entertainment Software Association (ESA) has decided to bring E3 to a close."

“We know the entire industry, players and creators alike have a lot of passion for E3. We share that passion. We know it’s difficult to say goodbye to such a beloved event, but it’s the right thing to do given the new opportunities our industry has to reach fans and partners,” said the executive.

Why did the ESA decide to close E3 for good?

In addition to the problems the event suffered due to the pandemic and the difficulties in adapting to the digital format, Pierre-Louis stated that the business model of the industry has changed. Specifically, he said that companies have a more direct relationship with consumers, so they can approach them in new ways.

From his perspective, the end of E3 is nothing more than proof that the industry has grown up and is ready to explore other ways to reach large audiences. He stated that large companies will always be able to make their own presentations or partner with other events.

“Any one of these major companies can create an individual showcase … [and] also partner with other industry events to showcase the breadth of games,” he said. “That’s exciting for our industry, and it means it’s an opportunity for them to explore how to engage new audiences in different ways.”


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