Youngster Leaks Super Smash Bros. and Ends His Father's Career at Nintendo

Son of a Nintendo of America employee revealed several unreleased fighters and more secrets

Youngster Leaks Super Smash Bros. and Ends His Father's Career at Nintendo

Son of a Nintendo of America employee revealed several unreleased fighters and more secrets

Nintendo is not immune to leaks, and one of the most scandalous ones involved their Super Smash Bros. franchise. Today, we know that this unfortunate incident was orchestrated by the son of a Nintendo employee and cost his father his job.

If you're a fan of Nintendo's fighting game series, you were likely one of those patiently awaiting news about Super Smash Bros. for Nintendo 3DS and Super Smash Bros. for Wii U.

These releases became historic for being at the center of one of Nintendo's biggest leaks, ruining the surprise of the announcement of 8 characters and more features that the game would include months before its release.

Son of Nintendo Employee Leaked Super Smash Bros.

The leak dates back to August 2014, and many believed that the American video game ratings board ESRB was responsible for the leak, but the truth is that the blame lies with the son of a Nintendo employee.

DidYouKnowGaming had the opportunity to contact sources related to the ESRB, and they confessed that it is almost impossible for the board to leak information. There is tight surveillance and security in place to prevent employees from sharing unreleased or unannounced content online.

Thanks to Nintendo sources, we now know that the leak was linked to an employee at Nintendo of America responsible for localization and compliance with the ESRB. However, the interesting part is that the employee was not the culprit; it was his son who had access to this content and ultimately shared it on the Internet.

Youngster Leaks Super Smash Bros. and Ends His Father's Career at Nintendo
Youngster Leaks Super Smash Bros. and Ends His Father's Career at Nintendo

Although it is not known for sure how he achieved it, one source speculates the possibility that the employee's son used one of his father's devices to access material hosted on Nintendo's networks, which he captured with an external camera.

This source claims that after the leak was discovered, Nintendo traced what happened and identified the employee, who was dismissed because of his son.

Despite this, the young man may not have been the person who directly leaked all this content to the Internet. Apparently, the son had obtained the material to share it only with his trusted circle of friends, thinking that the information would not go beyond that. Unfortunately, things got out of control, and the leak spread to every corner of the Internet, ultimately ending his father's career at Nintendo.

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