PlayStation fans believe Starfield will come to PS5 after rumors about Xbox and its games

Sources say Microsoft will bring several of its titles to its competitors' consoles

PlayStation fans believe Starfield will come to PS5 after rumors about Xbox and its games

Sources say Microsoft will bring several of its titles to its competitors' consoles

Reports claim that several Xbox games are on their way to PlayStation and Nintendo consoles. While the information has not been confirmed by Microsoft, gamers believe this is an opportunity to make important games available to more people.

Given the rumors, several PlayStation fans believe that there is a remote possibility that Starfield will finally come to PS5. As you know, Bethesda's title was one of the big Xbox exclusives in 2023, so still quite a few people dream of seeing it on other systems.

Gamers still hope to see Starfield on PlayStation 5

Information about Xbox and Microsoft's supposed change of strategy spread like wildfire on social networks. Gamers were quick to speculate on what might happen if the companies actually decide to bring their exclusives to PlayStation and Nintendo consoles.

One of the most discussed topics is the possible arrival of Starfield on PS5. We know that a version of the title was planned for that console, but it was canceled after the acquisition of Bethesda by Microsoft. Since this information came to light, fans have been petitioning for the RPG to come to Sony's console.

Xbox announced it as one of its big 2023 exclusives and it served as a boost to its ecosystem and services. Now, PlayStation fans believe there is a chance to see a port in the future.

"If the rumors are true about Starfield coming to PS5, I’m buying it Day 1. I was really sad hearing it was coming to Xbox exclusively, but I had no desire to buy a console for one game. Hope Microsoft sees success with publishing their exclusives to other consoles," stated one player.

Part of the community believes that the port will happen, but that it will take a few years to arrive. Others believe that Xbox will release several of its exclusives on other consoles, but that it will keep games like Starfield only on its systems and services.

It is important to clarify that Xbox has not yet confirmed the arrival of its exclusives on other consoles and that the possible arrival of Starfield on PS5 is mere speculation for now.

Players dream of seeing Starfield on PlayStation
Players dream of seeing Starfield on PlayStation


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