New The Witcher to begin production this year, but there's bad news

How long will we have to wait for the new installment?

New The Witcher to begin production this year, but there's bad news

How long will we have to wait for the new installment?

CD Projekt RED started 2024 with ambitious plans as the creative process for its two upcoming major video games kicked off. At the moment, the priority is the development and release of Polaris, the codename for the new installment of The Witcher that will mark the beginning of a new saga. However, it's not a game that will be out soon.

Hundreds of workers will be involved in the development of the new The Witcher

During an interview with Reuters, CD Projekt CEO Adam Badowski revealed that the production of the new The Witcher installment will start this year, meaning they have already surpassed the conceptual phase, and there is a direction for this project. Regarding this, the executive stated that by mid-2024, they will have more than 400 workers focused on Polaris.

Over 400 workers will create the new The Witcher
Over 400 workers will create the new The Witcher

When will the new The Witcher installment be released?

It is known that after the end of the creative and development cycle of Cyberpunk 2077, a significant portion of its creative team moved to the new The Witcher team, and at the moment, it is the most important project for the Polish company. The most recent installment, The Witcher: Wild Hunt, debuted in 2015.

While it is expected that the development process of Polaris will progress steadily given the experience, for better or for worse, that CD Projekt RED already has, analysts shared news that will not please fans. According to Reuters report, it is expected that this installment will debut in 2026 or even go as far as 2027, with the latter year being the more probable one given the scale of such releases.

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